screw math paper.
screw math paper.
screw math paper.
screw math paper.
so, let's talk about my exam papers!
english was okay. it was pretty good. hopefully, i can get THAT A1! (:
chinese was i-don't-know-how-to-describe. i found it okay, but everyone else said it was tough. so i really don't know! ahhhhH! i think i misinterpreted the questions. ):
science was manageable.
math was fucked up. i'm serious. screw it to the max. AHHHHHH!
i'm gonna fail my math, damn it.
for all the A1s i've been getting for all the other exams, i'm gonna flunk this one.
math is a bitch. i hate you math!
but actually i love mathhhhhhhhh!
why did math do this to me?
awww, ):
and the worst part is, i knew i was going to do badly for my math the night before!
how retarded is that?
somehow, after re-doing the whole workbook practices and completing 3 other schools' papers, i felt unprepared. what an ass.
should've done more!
on a side note, tomorrow's the last paper, and it's geography! yayyy!
i've studied so hard for this, hopefully God will be there. (:
i KNOW i deserve to do well for geography.
valleys, waterfalls, meanders, floodplains and deltas are features formed by rivers. valleys are low areas between hills or mountains. and example is the great canyon in north arizona, USA. a waterfall is a vertical flow of fast-moving water falling from a great height..... (:ohhwell. i'll do my best for my papers, and leave God to the rest. (:
gonna go catch S.I NOW!
because one week ago, you told me you'd never fuck me up, you'd never ignore me, ever, and that you'd stay with me forever, that's why.